Amanda Norton

Amanda Norton

Owner / Coach


CrossFit Level 3 (CCFT)

CrossFit Nutrition 1

Precision Nutrition Level 1

Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach

About Coach

Growing up in Stinson Beach, California, Amanda spent her time in two places - the beach and the gym. She started gymnastics at the age of 5 and competed for over 10 years. Raised in a community of rescue personnel, Amanda worked as a lifeguard, volunteered in the Fire Department and became an EMT. At UCLA, Amanda studied dance and enjoyed the physical and expressive outlet that dance provided. She found CrossFit in 2008. Amanda’s competitive nature enjoyed the opportunities that CrossFit presented and has competed in CrossFit since 2010. As a coach, Amanda enjoys blending her diverse experience in medicine, sport and strength and conditioning to better assess how to help people feel their best. Amanda has led and managed programs from Jr. Lifeguards to adult CrossFitters and competitive gymnastics teams, and has coached athletes from 1 year to 90 years old.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

Amanda's passion is helping people, from the thrill of rescuing someone as a Lifeguard/EMT to helping someone return from an injury through training. When not working, Amanda is outdoors playing or competing whenever possible. She loves the water - swimming, surfing, or even just floating on a sunny day puts a smile on her face.

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